Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day 8 ....yes I missed 7

Ok I missed day 7. Hubby was in mandatory overtime, I was exhausted and went to bed. BUTTTT I woke up this morning jumped on the scale and I am down 2 pounds !!!

DAY 7- weight 198

Breakfast: Veggie omelet, side of bacon and fruit cup.

Lunch: handful of raisins and nuts

Dinner: Baked turkey, asparagus, and salad

Snack: tootsie rolls and some candy - no excuse you know my M.O. by now LOL

I am proud to say that the healthier food choice are getting easier just need help with the sweet tooth.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Day 6- This is getting harder.... because I am lazy

Well I am lazy ...6 days... I have been doing this for 6 days. They haven't even been consistent, 100% Paleo days and I still stumble. Tonight I am writing this blog at 12:12am because I didn't even feel like doing it. I started out great again but fell at night. New pattern I am seeing is night time is my weakness.


Breakfast : Bacon and eggs

Lunch: Tuna salad on greens

Snack: Nothing

Dinner: Nothing...see the pattern.
Followed with bites of the kids pancakes and topped off with a big frozen yogurt piled high with candy at Yogurt Mountain. To go ahead and tie up the lose ends of the night I went ahead and finished off the kids parade candy. Yep I suck at this. actually the part that is killing me is that I really, almost, barley even care. I have fallen off more wagon i can count what is one more I guess. I am just anger that I believe it , whole heartedly that this is the way to go but just cant leave the dang candy and sugar alone. I do wonder if hypnotism would work since will power is not.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Day 5 ..

Short post tonight. I am tired and have a BUNCH to do tomorrow. Hitting the rack early. on that note I will say that I have been sleeping in a trance, it has been wonderful. It has been years since I have slept so deeply and so not know if this is due to the diet change or a fluke but I really am praying it be diet and I can have this all the time. OK today stats


Breakfast: 1 leftover chicken breast from last night. I was running out the door and just grabbed it out of convenience.

Lunch: Paleo Tuna salad boat in 1 avocado

Snack: Handful of raisins

Dinner: mixed green salad with seared chicken, mushrooms, tomatoes, onion, and avocado. Olive oil, garlic and balsamic vinegar as dressing. VERY TASTY.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Day 4.. getting better, not quite there.

Well the good: Every meal I prepared I made for the whole family and it was completely Paleo. Bad news my sister in laws brought me some kettle corn and I ate....a bunch. Again I feel better about it todfay then yesterday because we went to another Christmas parade and I did not partake in any of the candy being thrown at us by motorcyclist going by at 45+ mph LOL


Breakfast: "Skillet" omelet- Eggs, fresh spinach, cherry tomatoes, bacon, mushrooms with a side of avocado slices.

Lunch: Made for the family sausage, "ants on a log" AKA celery, p-nut butter and raisins with a side of cheese. I am trying to use of non Paleo stuff in the house. I had some homemade tuna salad with a "homemade" mayo. The mayo is very tasty a bit tangy but good. i might use it as a salad dressing someday.

Snack- the kettle corn about 6-7 cups !!!! YIKES

Dinner- Pecan crusted chicken breast with carrots and zucchini on the side.

Goal for tomorrow is to be completely Paleo for 24 hrs. Maybe Decmeber wasnt the best month to due this challenging, there is so many types of good food calling my name at the parties.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Day 3...Failure due to temptation :o(

Well not a complete failure since I not really competing but I did find out some triggers and habits I need to break.


Breakfast : Skipped, was in hurry and knew this was a mistake when I left the house to head to the Christmas parade.

Lunch: Leftover kabob

Snack: A crap load of my kids candy from the Christmas Parade, I took one small bite again knowing this was a huge mistake and it went downhill quickly from there

Dinner: Church Christmas function. Again held strong with roast beef, green beans, and some mixed veggies. This was until dessert time and took 4...YES 4 different (somewhat small) kinds of pie and GF cupcakes.

Midnight Snack: As if I need one, I went back and gorged on kids candy.

SOOoooooo where does this leave me, no where really. I can actually feel the sugar buzz and I do not really like it. I hooped for 20 min tonight and was tired and out of breath with a sickly stomach. I hate this feeling and really wish I would just learn from this mistake I keep making over and over again. I wonder if hypnosis would help with the sugar cravings?

Friday, December 2, 2011

Day 2 on the 30 days of Paleo

I figured I would give you a quick insight on my journey to the Paleo diet. Few years ago we were able to figure out that gluten intolerance runs on my side of the family. This first eye opener happened when my son was diagnosed with autism. The therapists were trying to consul me and placed a bunch of pamphlets in my hands as I was shuffled crying out of the room where we had just received word that he was on the autism spectrum. One of those articles had a quick blurb about how a gluten free / casein free diet is very helpful for children on the spectrum. About 1 year earlier my mother was diagnosed with gluten intolerance which was aggravating her hypothyroidism, she had success with the diet change so we figured we would try. We eliminated all wheat/ gluten from his diet the next day and within 2 days he started talking !!! I mean real complete, purposeful sentences !! Finally at 2.5 yo we were able to communicate with our child, the change was nothing short of a miracle. From that day in 2008, we have been a gluten free household. Fast forward to 2011. I have spent this year trying to lose excess weight and get our family eating healthier. I am amazed at the behavior changes in my oldest from when he eats crap to when he eats whole, nutritious foods. This is not including my own changes as I stopped eating gluten. No more midday slumps, no more rotating between horrible crampy diarrhea to constipation (sorry TMI), the general allergies subsided and the almost daily headaches were gone. I am sold on the theory that food heals and hurts our body. The basic premise of Paleo is that our bodies have not evolved in the last 10,000, pre agricultural years and are not accustomed to eat the pounds of white sugar, fake fats, and other preservatives we have in our present day, processed foods. The idea is to get back to the basics- lean meats, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. I stumbled upon the Paleo diet, bought countless cook books, asked all the questions on web boards, signed up for different blogs and attempted to change us over twice with failure within days. I realized the change has to start with me. So. here. I. am. I am feeding the family all the junk I do not intend to stock in the house again while I am cooking myself and hubby these meals. Do I feel guilty? Not really, I have our goal insight and just need to change myself. I am also going to go out on a limb and post weekly weights. Thank God I have only one follower LOL

DAY 2 - Weight 201

Breakfast: 2 leftover Breakfast muffins

Lunch: Leftover red cabbage, raisen, red pepper and apple salad from yesterday (forgot what I called it yesterday... cole slaw maybe?)

Snack: Homemade Beef Jerky

Dinner: Steak kabobs with zucchini, mushroom and red peppers with cauliflower "mashed potatoes" with fresh basil, red onion, and fresh garlic in them (these are soooooo good !!)

Late night snack: Sorry sugar cravings are kicking in- I had a handful of frozen cherries that I bought fresh a few months back and de-pitted.

Also just a note only filtered water is being consumed this whole time.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

I'm back !!!......... Day 1 Paleo Challenge

Today I officially started my 30 day Paleo challenge and was thinking this morning that I really need to keep a journal of my progress. I am following the meal planner from Sarah Fragoso book called "Everday Paleo". I love this book and you can tell it is totally written by a mother for mothers. She has a basic run down, all the recipes, weekly a grocery list with meal planner and a bunch of cross fit exercises you can do with your family. I completely forgot about this blog was able to find it and I am pleasantly surprised to see I have 1 follower (Hi !!). So getting down to business today is day 1 of the challenge and here is my quick run down.

DAY 1 - Grocery shopped for the weeks recipes came to a total of $160

Breakfast: skipped

Lunch : 1 Breakfast muffin and the Wild Salmon Salad which was excellent, even Randy loved it.

Snack : Breakfast muffin

Dinner: 1/3 of the Chicken Coleslaw recipe. Good but adjusted it a bit to have garlic, more balsamic vinegar and raisins. Might also add red or green onion next time and I am hoping that it will gain flavor from sitting int he fridge overnight.

Snack: Handful or raisins

Felt great this morning but started getting a headache by 4pm. I know that this is from craving carbs and sugar since I got this everytime I went low carb or something of that nature with sugar restriction. I know that sugar is a true addiction of mine. I so hope this goes away by the morning it sucks.